Giambono, Michele

Giambono, Michele

Italian artist
original name  Michele di Taddeo di Giovanni Bono  
born c. 1400, Venice
died 1462, Venice

      leading Venetian Late Gothic painter and mosaicist, the most distinguished member of a large family of artists working in Venice from 1396 to 1546.

      Giambono's grandfather was a painter of Treviso called Giam Bono (also Zambono), and he himself is generally called by this name. The decorations of the Ca' d'Oro and of the celebrated Porta della Carta leading into the court of the Doge's Palacethe most accomplished examples of the highly ornate Late Gothic architecture in Venicewere executed by members of the family at the time that Michele was painting his altarpieces in the same style and enclosing them in an elaborate Gothic architectural framework. Giambono belonged to the generation preceding that of Giovanni (Bellini, Giovanni) and Gentile Bellini (Bellini, Gentile). It is not known in whose studio he was trained.

      Only a few fully authenticated works by Giambono are extant. Among his few signed works are a large polyptych, or multi-panel altarpiece, in the Academy in Venice, and a Madonna in Rome. After the death of Jacobello del Fiore in 1439, Giambono was made director of the mosaic works in St. Mark's Basilica (San Marco Basilica), where he composed the mosaics on the left side of the vault in the Mascoli Chapel, representing the Birth of the Virgin and the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. The figures in the mosaics are set against a background of Gothic architecture, and Giambono there attempted to introduce three-dimensionality for perhaps the first time to a technique that until then had been limited to the monumental two-dimensional design of the Byzantine tradition.

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Universalium. 2010.

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