Gessi, Romolo

Gessi, Romolo

Italian explorer and soldier
also called  Gessi Pasha  
born April 30, 1831, Constantinople
died May 30, 1881, Suez, Egypt

      Italian soldier and explorer who served in the Egyptian Sudan under Gen. Charles George Gordon (governor general of the Sudan) and participated in the final stages of the exploration of the Nile River. By becoming the first person to circumnavigate and map Lake Albert Nyanza (in Uganda), one of the key stages of the sources of the Nile, Gessi concluded the geographical study of the course of the Nile that had begun in 1856.

      Gessi fought with the British forces in the Crimean War (185455), where he first met Gordon, who in 1873 asked Gessi to accompany him to the Sudan. In 1875 Gessi conducted explorations of the interior of the Sudan and completed the mapping of Lake Albert in 1876. He later quelled a revolt of Arab slave traders in the southern Sudan, for which he was named Pasha (the highest rank in the Egyptian court) by the Khedive of Egypt.

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