Gerevich, Aladár

Gerevich, Aladár

Hungarian athlete
born March 11, 1910, Jászberény, Hungary
died May 14, 1991, Budapest

      Hungarian fencer (fencing), who played a leading role in the Hungarian team's 36-year dominance of the Olympic sabre competition. Gerevich won seven gold medals in fencing, and he was the only person to have won a gold medal in the same sport at six different Olympics.

      Gerevich was a member of six consecutive Hungarian Olympic gold-medal-winning sabre teams (1932, 1936, 1948, 1952, 1956, and 1960). He also enjoyed individual success at the Olympics. At the 1936 Games in Berlin he won the bronze in the individual sabre competition. He took the sabre gold at the 1948 Games in London and the silver medal at the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki, Finland. He also was part of the Hungarian foil team that earned a bronze in Helsinki. Considered one of the greatest technicians ever to fence sabre, Gerevich won the world championship in sabre three times (1935, 1951, and 1955). He also won several world championships in team competition. His skills remained sharp well into his middle years. At age 50, after being told that he was too old to be part of Hungary's 1960 Olympic sabre team, Gerevich challenged and defeated the entire Hungarian team. At the Games in Rome, he helped Hungary to the team gold and fell one hit short of qualifying for the sabre finals.

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