Geoffrey IV

Geoffrey IV

count of Anjou
also called  Geoffrey Plantagenet,  byname  Geoffrey The Fair,  French  Geoffroi Plantagenet, or Geoffroi Le Bel 
born Aug. 24, 1113
died Sept. 7, 1151, Le Mans, Maine [France]

      count of Anjou (113151), Maine, and Touraine and ancestor of the Plantagenet kings of England through his marriage, in June 1128, to Matilda (q.v.), daughter of Henry I of England. On Henry's death (1135), Geoffrey claimed the duchy of Normandy; he finally conquered it in 1144 and ruled there as duke until he gave it to his son Henry (later King Henry II of England) in 1150.

      Geoffrey was popular with the Normans, but he had to suppress a rebellion of malcontent Angevin nobles. After a short war with Louis VII of France, Geoffrey signed a treaty (August 1151) by which he surrendered the whole of Norman Vexin (the border area between Normandy and Île-de-France) to Louis.

duke of Brittany
also called  Geoffrey Plantagenet,  French  Geoffroi Plantagenet 
born Sept. 23, 1158
died Aug. 19?, 1186, Paris [France]

      duke of Brittany and earl of Richmond, the fourth, but third surviving, son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine.

      In 1166, in furtherance of his father's policy of extending and consolidating Angevin power in France, Geoffrey was betrothed to Constance, daughter and heir of Conan IV, Duke of Brittany. At the same time, Duke Conan was forced to surrender to Henry II for Geoffrey's use the whole duchy of Brittany except the county of Guingamp. Geoffrey received the homage of the Breton nobles in 1169, and in 1173 he joined the rebellion against Henry II led by his eldest brother, Henry, theYoung King,” and supported by the rulers of France, Scotland, and Flanders. He submitted to his father at Michaelmas, 1174, and was sent back to Brittany, where he proceeded to recover lost ducal estates and subdue rebellious barons. He and Constance were married in 1181.

      From then until his death he fought against both his brother Richard the Lion-Heart and his father (toward whom he behaved atrociously), largely for possession of Anjou. In 1185 he issued anassizeat Rennes regularizing the succession to military fiefs in Brittany. He died at Paris, either of illness or in a tournament, leaving a daughter, Eleanor, and a posthumous son, Arthur I.

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