

king of Vandals

flourished 6th century

      last Vandal king (ruled 530534) of the area called by the RomansAfrica” (roughly, modern Tunisia).

      The great-grandson of the Vandal leader Gaiseric (ruled 428477), Gelimer deposed King Hilderic, his pro-Roman cousin, in 530 and usurped the throne despite protests from the Eastern Roman emperor Justinian I. In June 533, Justinian sent an expeditionary force commanded by Belisarius against him. Landing in Africa in September 533, the Byzantines defeated Gelimer's army at Decimum, near Carthage, and then occupied the city. As a result of his tactical blunders, Gelimer was decisively defeated (mid-December 533). He fled to Numidia, near the edge of the Sahara, but was forced to surrender in March 534. Thus the Vandal kingdom was destroyed and Roman rule returned to Africa. After the defeat Gelimer was sent to Constantinople, and Justinian gave him an estate in Galatia.

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  • Gélimer — dernier roi vandale d Afrique (530 534); vaincu par Bélisaire …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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