Gagliano, Marco da

Gagliano, Marco da

Italian composer
born May 1, 1582, Florence [Italy]
died Feb. 25, 1643, Florence

      one of the earliest composers of Italian opera.

      Gagliano worked in Florence as chapelmaster at the cathedral (160825) and as chapelmaster at the Medici court (160925), primarily in service to Cosimo II; about 1625 illness curtailed his work, but he remained affiliated with those institutions for the rest of his life. He staged his first opera, Dafne, at Mantua in 1608. Il Medoro (1619), composed with Jacopo Peri (Peri, Jacopo), is lost; La Flora was produced in 1628. Gagliano followed the monodic recitative (melodic, half-spoken, half-sung) style established by the Florentine intellectuals who sought to revive ancient Greek music and drama and produced early operas. His recitative is musically richer than that of his contemporaries Peri and Giulio Caccini (Caccini, Giulio), and he provides a greater variety of set numbers. His works were eclipsed, however, by Claudio Monteverdi (Monteverdi, Claudio)'s Orfeo. He also composed sacred music and madrigals; some of this work was published between 1594 and 1630, but most survived in manuscript form.

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