Gadda, Carlo Emilio

Gadda, Carlo Emilio

Italian author
born , Nov. 14, 1893, Milan, Italy
died May 21, 1973, Rome

      Italian essayist, short-story writer, and novelist outstanding particularly for his original and innovative style, which has been compared with that of James Joyce.

      Gadda was educated as an electrical engineer and volunteered in World War I. During the 1920s he worked as an engineer abroad. He began writing in the 1930s and from the first demonstrated a fascination and facility for language as well as a gift for unemotional and acute psychological and sociological analysis. His first works were collected in I sogni e la folgore (1955; “The Dreams and the Lightning”). Gadda's best-known and most successful novel, Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana (1957; That Awful Mess on Via Merulana), is a story of a murder and burglary in fascist Rome and of the subsequent investigation, which features characters from many levels of Roman life. The language of the novel, known to Italians as Il pasticciaccio (“The Pastiche”), is literary Italian, with an admixture of three Roman dialects and puns, technical jargon, foreign words, parodies, made words, and classical allusions. Gadda's approach is as mercurial as his style: ironic, bitter, outrageously comic, philosophical, and obscene.

      Gadda's La cognizione del dolore (1963, revised 1970; Acquainted with Grief) is autobiographical, though its setting is transferred from modern Italy to an invented South American country.

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  • Carlo Emilio Gadda — Grabstein von Carlo Emilio Gadda. Carlo Emilio Gadda (* 15. November 1893 in Mailand; † 21. Mai 1973 in Rom) war ein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Carlo Emilio Gadda — (may 14 1893 November 21 1973) was an Italian writer and poet. He belongs to the tradition of the language innovators, writers that played with the somewhat stiff standard pre war Italian language, and added elements of dialects, technical jargon …   Wikipedia

  • Carlo Emilio Gadda — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Carlo Emilio Gadda (1921) Carlo Emilio Gadda (Milán, 14 de noviembre de 1893 – Roma, 21 de mayo de 1973) fue un novelista, ensayista y cuentista italiano. Comenzó a escri …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gadda — (Carlo Emilio) (1893 1973) écrivain italien. Ses romans (la Connaissance de la douleur, 1938 1963; l Affreux Pastis de la rue des Merles, 1957) foisonnent de trouvailles verbales …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gadda — Grabstein von Carlo Emilio Gadda. Carlo Emilio Gadda (* 15. November 1893 in Mailand; † 21. Mai 1973 in Rom) war einer der wichtigen italienischen Schrif …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GADDA (C. E.) — Alors même qu’il s’achève, son siècle littéraire, en Italie, ne peut faire moins que reconnaître en Carlo Emilio Gadda, sinon l’auteur le plus représentatif, du moins l’interprète le plus lucide de celui ci pour ce qui est de l’écriture, et le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Gadda — Gạdda,   Carlo Emilio, italienischer Schriftsteller, * Mailand 14. 11. 1893, ✝ Rom 22. 5. 1973; war ursprünglich Ingenieur; fand in der Öffentlichkeit erst Beachtung mit dem Roman »Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana« (1957; deutsch »Die… …   Universal-Lexikon

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