Gabrieli, Andrea

Gabrieli, Andrea

Italian composer
also called  Andrea di Cannaregio , Cannareggio , or  Canareggio 
born 1532/33, Venice
died Aug. 30, 1585, Venice

      Italian Renaissance composer and organist, known for his madrigals and his large-scale choral and instrumental music for public ceremonies. His finest work was composed for the acoustic resources of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice. He was the uncle of Giovanni Gabrieli (Gabrieli, Giovanni).

      In the late 1550s Gabrieli left Italy for an extended period of foreign travel. He served in the Bavarian court chapel at Munich under another great Franco-Fleming, Orlando di Lasso, then visited the court of Graz in Austria, and finally was patronized by the noble Fugger family in Augsburg. In 1564 he returned to Venice to become second organist at St. Mark's, where he remained until 1584, when he succeeded the virtuoso performer Claudio Merulo as first organista position he held until his death in 1586. Despite his profession, not much of his output in these years was organ music; there were several volumes of madrigals, socially enjoyable settings of Italian poetry to be sung at private houses or cultural academies, where musical life flourished. And there was the large-scale choral and instrumental music for ceremonies of church and state, for which Andrea is best-known today. His motets and masses exploit the tonal variety possible when instruments are added to a choir. Some of these works were published posthumously in 1587: one of the finest is the Magnificat for three choirs and orchestra, doubtless intended to be performed in St. Mark's.

Major Works
Madrigals for three to six voices in various collections; masses in six parts, Primus liber missarum (1572); Magnificat for three choirs; motets; various ricercari and canzoni.

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  • Gabrieli, Andrea and Giovanni — born с 1510–20, Venice died late 1586, Venice born с 1556, Venice died Aug. 12?, 1612, Venice Venetian composers. Andrea worked at the Bavarian court in Munich and in 1566 became an organist at St. Mark s Basilica in Venice, where he remained the …   Universalium

  • Gabrieli, Andrea y Giovanni — ( 1510–20, Venecia–1586, Venecia) ( 1556, Venecia–¿12? ago. 1612, Venecia). Compositores venecianos. Andrea trabajó en la corte bávara de Munich y en 1566 devino en organista de la catedral de San Marcos en Venecia, donde permaneció hasta su… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Gabrieli — (Andrea) (v. 1510 1586) compositeur et organiste italien. Andrea et son neveu Giovanni (v. 1555 1612) comptent parmi les maîtres de la musique vénitienne …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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