

historical region, Europe
      historic region of The Netherlands and Germany fronting the North Sea and including the Frisian Islands. It has been divided since 1815 into Friesland, a province of The Netherlands, and the Ostfriesland (East Friesland) and Nordfriesland regions of northwestern Germany. Frisia is the traditional homeland of the Frisians, a Germanic people who speak a language closely related to English.

      In prehistoric times of uncertain date, the tribal Frisians migrated to the North Sea coastal region between the mouth of the Rhine River (at Katwijk, north of The Hague) and the mouth of the Ems River and ousted the resident Celts. Much of their land was then covered by lakes and estuaries and was exposed to the incursions of the sea, so the inhabitants lived mostly on man-made mounds called terps. Slowly, as the shifting of the waters allowed, they brought the lower-lying land under cultivation and protected themselves against the sea by building more terps (dikes were not practicable). Most of these were in the modern provinces of Friesland and Groningen in The Netherlands.

      From the 1st to the 5th century AD, the Frisians were more or less tributary to the Romans. Frisia was then infiltrated by Angles and Saxons on their way to England and was subsequently conquered by the Franks under Charlemagne, who converted the Frisians to Christianity. In subsequent centuries their territory became divided into the following regions: West Frisia, extending from the mouth of the Rhine River to the Vlie River and what is now the Zuiderzee; Middle Frisia, extending from the Vlie eastward to the town of Leeuwarden; and East Frisia, extending from Leeuwarden eastward to the estuary of the Jade River. West Frisia came under the control of the counts of Holland by 1250. Part of East Frisia came to be dominated by the city of Groningen (which was ruled by the bishop of Utrecht), and part was a countship under the Cirksena family from 1454 to 1744, when it passed to the kingdom of Prussia. Middle Frisia kept itself free of overlords, however, until the end of the Middle Ages. Feudalism never took root there, hence the adageEvery Frisian is a nobleman.” Rejecting foreign interference, the Frisians governed themselves with a degree of liberty that is rare in medieval Europe. In 1524, however, Middle Frisia fell to the Holy Roman emperor Charles V, and thenceforth it was joined to the Burgundian portion of the Habsburg heritage. During the Reformation the Frisians became Protestants. Frisia participated in the revolt of the northern Netherlands against Spanish rule, and thus became a province (Friesland) of the republic of the Netherlands, as constituted by the Union of Utrecht (1579).

      In modern times the Frisian people have become most famous for their cattle (records from as early as the 1st century BC suggest considerable cattle raising); they also engage in other agriculture. Traditionally, they were also a seafaring and commercial people and had one of the largest textile industries of medieval northwestern Europe. Tourism has also become an important economic activity. Although the Frisian language appeared for a time to be losing currency, it has experienced a resurgence in recent years; it has been recognized as an official language of The Netherlands and is taught in primary schools throughout the province of Friesland.

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Universalium. 2010.

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