Frick, Wilhelm

Frick, Wilhelm

German politician
born March 12, 1877, Alsenz, Ger.
died Oct. 16, 1946, Nürnberg

      longtime parliamentary leader of the German National Socialist Party and Adolf Hitler's minister of the interior, who played a major role in drafting and carrying out the Nazis' anti-Semitic measures.

      An official in the police administration at Munich, Frick was convicted of high treason for participating in Hitler's Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch of November 1923 but managed to avoid imprisonment. Elected to the Reichstag (parliament) in May 1924, he began to lead the Nazis in that body in 1928.

      During 193031, as minister of the interior in the state government of Thuringia, Frick was the first Nazi to hold any ministerial-level post in Germany. Thereafter he became the recognized party expert in German domestic politics. As Hitler's national minister of the interior (193343), he played a significant role in devising and obtaining passage of legislation providing for government by decree (March 1933) and in drafting subsequent measures against the Jews, especially the notorious Nürnberg laws of September 1935.

      With the growth of the SS (Schutzstaffel) as the state's principal internal-security force, however, Frick's importance in the government declined, and in 1943 he was replaced at the interior ministry by SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Thereafter Frick served as Reich protector for Bohemia and Moravia until the end of World War II. Arraigned before the Allied war-crimes tribunal at Nürnberg (Nürnberg trials) (1946), he was convicted and subsequently executed for hiscrimes against humanity.”

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