

      city, Rhineland-Palatinate Land (state), southwestern Germany. It lies just northwest of Mannheim. First mentioned as Franconodal, a fishing settlement, in 772, it was the site of a powerful Augustinian monastery from 1119 until it passed to the Palatinate in 1562 and was settled by Dutch Protestant refugees. It was chartered in 1577. Although it suffered heavily in the Thirty Years' War and was devastated in 1689, it recovered to become famous for the porcelain manufactured there from 1755 to 1794. Severely damaged in World War II, Frankenthal was rebuilt. Notable landmarks are the ruins of the 12th-century abbey church and two town gates dating from 1770 and 1772, respectively. The city's economy now relies on machinery production, a variety of light manufacturing activities, and a large service sector. Pop. (2005) 47,225.

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