Fouta Djallon

Fouta Djallon

also spelled  Futa Jallon,  

      mountainous region of west-central Guinea. Consisting of a series of stepped sandstone plateaus with many picturesque trenches and gorges, the region serves as the watershed for some of western Africa's greatest rivers. The Fouta Djallon covers an area of 30,000 square miles (77,000 square km) and averages 3,000 feet (914 m) in elevation. Mount Loura (Tamgué), its highest point (5,046 feet [1,538 m]), rises near the town of Mali. Originating in the Fouta Djallon's central plateau are the headwaters of the Gambia, Bafing (Sénégal), Koliba, Kolenté (Great Scarcies), Kaba (Little Scarcies), and Konkouré rivers. The Fouta's eastern slopes feed various tributaries of the Niger River; and its extension to the extreme southeast, known as the Guinea Highlands (q.v.), contains the Niger's source.

      The Fouta Djallon's name comes from its early Dialonke (Djallonke) inhabitants. The region was first organized as a separate political entity as a result of the Fulbe (Fulani) and Malinke jihad (Muslim holy war) led by Karamoko Alfa and Ibrahima Sori in the late 1720s. As a Muslim theocratic state, Fouta Djallon dominated both central and coastal Guinea until it became part of the French colony of Guinea. Timbo, 26 miles (42 km) northeast of Mamou, was the seat of the Fulani emirs until its occupation by French troops in 1896. Modern Fouta Djallon is mainly inhabited by Muslim Fulani peoples who herd tsetse-resistant Ndama cattle. The town of Labé is the chief trade centre.

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Universalium. 2010.

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