Fortner, Wolfgang

Fortner, Wolfgang

German composer
born Oct. 12, 1907, Leipzig, Ger.
died Sept. 11?, 1987, Heidelberg, W.Ger.

      progressive composer and influential music teacher in Germany.

      Fortner studied music and philosophy at the Leipzig Conservatory and the University of Leipzig, and at the age of 24 he went to Heidelberg as professor at the Institute for Evangelical Church Music. He later taught in Detmold and in Freiburg im Breisgau.

      Besides concerti, orchestral works, chamber and church music, Fortner composed distinguished operas and music for the stage. His choral works and solo instrumental pieces also enjoyed success, especially in Germany. His early style was held to be much influenced by Baroque music; it is highly contrapuntal and melodically severe. Later his music expanded in emotional scope and power. The Symphony (1947), an aggressive, poignant work, exemplifies the composer's maturity. Its four movements abound in contrapuntal complexities, the resulting musical texture being harmonically and rhythmically very intense. The Phantasie über B-A-C-H for two pianos, nine solo instruments, and orchestra (1950) displays Fortner's skill with 12-tone technique. In the Phantasie, Arnold Schoenberg's original 12-tone system is modified to fit Fortner's virtuosic conception. Fortner's operas include two works based on plays by Federico García Lorca: (García Lorca, Federico) Die Bluthochzeit (Blood Wedding, first performed, 1957; incidental music to the same play, 1950) and In seinem Garten liebt Don Perlimplin Belisa (1962; In His Garden Don Perlimplin Belisa Loves).

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