Forster, E M

Forster, E M

British writer
born Jan. 1, 1879, London
died June 7, 1970, Coventry, Warwickshire, Eng.
 British novelist, essayist, and social and literary critic. His fame rests largely on his novels Howards End (1910) and A Passage to India (1924) and on a large body of criticism.

      Forster's father, an architect, died when the son was a baby, and he was brought up by his mother and paternal aunts. The difference between the two families, his father's being strongly evangelical with a high sense of moral responsibility, his mother's more feckless and generous-minded, gave him an enduring insight into the nature of domestic tensions, while his education as a dayboy (day student) at Tonbridge School, Kent, was responsible for many of his later criticisms of the English public school (private) system. At King's College, Cambridge, he enjoyed a sense of liberation. For the first time he was free to follow his own intellectual inclinations; and he gained a sense of the uniqueness of the individual, of the healthiness of moderate skepticism, and of the importance of Mediterranean civilization as a counterbalance to the more straitlaced attitudes of northern European countries.

      On leaving Cambridge, Forster decided to devote his life to writing. His first novels and short stories were redolent of an age that was shaking off the shackles of Victorianism. While adopting certain themes (the importance of women in their own right, for example) from earlier English novelists such as George Meredith, he broke with the elaborations and intricacies favoured in the late 19th century and wrote in a freer, more colloquial style. From the first his novels included a strong strain of social comment, based on acute observation of middle-class life. There was also a deeper concern, however, a belief, associated with Forster's interest in Mediterraneanpaganism,” that, if men and women were to achieve a satisfactory life, they needed to keep contact with the earth and to cultivate their imaginations. In an early novel, The Longest Journey (1907), he suggested that cultivation of either in isolation is not enough, reliance on the earth alone leading to a genial brutishness and exaggerated development of imagination undermining the individual's sense of reality.

      The same theme runs through Howards End, a more ambitious novel that brought Forster his first major success. The novel is conceived in terms of an alliance between the Schlegel sisters, Margaret and Helen, who embody the liberal imagination at its best, and Ruth Wilcox, the owner of the house Howards End, which has remained close to the earth for generations; spiritually they recognize a kinship against the values of Henry Wilcox and his children, who conceive life mainly in terms of commerce. In a symbolic ending, Margaret Schlegel marries Henry Wilcox and brings him back, a broken man, to Howards End, reestablishing there a link (however heavily threatened by the forces of progress around it) between the imagination and the earth.

      The resolution is a precarious one, and World War I was to undermine it still further. Forster spent three wartime years in Alexandria, doing civilian war work, and visited India twice, in 191213 and 1921. When he returned to former themes in his postwar novel A Passage to India, they presented themselves in a negative form: against the vaster scale of India, in which the earth itself seems alien, a resolution between it and the imagination could appear as almost impossible to achieve. Only Adela Quested, the young girl who is most open to experience, can glimpse their possible concord, and then only momentarily, in the courtroom during the trial at which she is the central witness. Much of the novel is devoted to less spectacular values: those of seriousness and truthfulness (represented here by the administrator Fielding) and of an outgoing and benevolent sensibility (embodied in the English visitor Mrs. Moore). Neither Fielding nor Mrs. Moore is totally successful; neither totally fails. The novel ends in an uneasy equilibrium. Immediate reconciliation between Indians and British is ruled out, but the further possibilities inherent in Adela's experience, along with the surrounding uncertainties, are echoed in the ritual birth of the God of Love amid scenes of confusion at a Hindu festival.

      The values of truthfulness and kindness dominate Forster's later thinking. A reconciliation of humanity to the earth and its own imagination may be the ultimate ideal, but Forster sees it receding in a civilization devoting itself more and more to technological progress. The values of common sense, goodwill, and regard for the individual, on the other hand, can still be cultivated, and these underlie Forster's later pleas for more liberal attitudes. During World War II he acquired a position of particular respect as a man who had never been seduced by totalitarianisms of any kind and whose belief in personal relationships and the simple decencies seemed to embody some of the common values behind the fight against Nazism and Fascism. In 1946 his old college gave him an honorary fellowship, which enabled him to make his home in Cambridge and to keep in communication with both old and young until his death.

      Although the later Forster is an important figure in mid-20th-century culture, his emphasis on a kindly, uncommitted, and understated morality being congenial to many of his contemporaries, it is by his novels that he is more likely to be remembered, and these are best seen in the context of the preceding Romantic tradition. The novels sustain the cult of the heart's affections that was central to that tradition, but they also share with the first Romantics a concern for the status of man in nature and for his imaginative life, a concern that remains important to an age that has turned against other aspects of Romanticism.

      In addition to essays, short stories, and novels, Forster wrote a biography of his great-aunt, Marianne Thornton (1956); a documentary account of his Indian experiences, The Hill of Devi (1953); and Alexandria: A History and a Guide (1922; new ed., 1961). Maurice, a novel with a homosexual theme, was published posthumously in 1971 but written many years earlier.

John Bernard Beer

Major Works

Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905); The Longest Journey (1907); A Room with a View (1908); Howards End (1910); A Passage to India (1924); and Maurice (posthumously, 1971).

Other works.
Aspects of the Novel (1927), criticism; The Collected Tales of E.M. Forster (1947), Abinger Harvest (1936), and Two Cheers for Democracy (1951), essays; and Billy Budd (1951), libretto collaboration with E. Crozier for an opera by Benjamin Britten; and The Life to Come and Other Stories (posthumously, 1972).

Additional Reading
B.J. Kirkpatrick, A Bibliography of E.M. Forster, 2nd ed. (1968), is supplemented by Alfred Borrello, E.M. Forster: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Materials (1973). Most manuscripts and papers are held by the Library of King's College, Cambridge; others are in the University of Texas Library. The Abinger Edition of E.M. Forster, series ed. by Oliver Stallybrass (final volume completed by Elizabeth Heine), was published in 9 volumes, 197280. The authorized biography (1979) by P.N. Furbank treats Forster's homosexuality perceptively. Critical works include: Rose Macaulay, The Writings of E.M. Forster (1968, reprinted 1974), a view of Forster by a late Edwardian; Lionel Trilling, E.M. Forster: A Study, 2nd rev. ed. (1965), an account of Forster as liberal humanist; J.B. Beer, The Achievement of E.M. Forster (1962), dwelling on Forster's visionary and pagan themes; and Wilfred Stone, The Cave and the Mountain (1966), the most complete discussion of Forster's work before the authorized biography. G.K. Das, E.M. Forster's India (1978), is the best account of that aspect. The centennial of Forster's birth produced several notable books, among them Das and John Beer (eds.), E.M. Forster: A Human Exploration (1979), includes 24 original essays by, among others, Beer and Furbank, and Stallybrass.

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