Forres — (Gaelic: Farrais ), is a town and former royal burgh situated in the north of Scotland on the Moray coast, approximately 30 miles east of Inverness. Forres has been a winner of the Scotland in Bloom award on several occasions [… … Wikipedia
Forres — FORRES, a royal burgh and parish, in the county of Elgin, 12 miles (W. by S.) from Elgin; containing 3711 inhabitants, of whom 2844 are in the burgh. This place, of which the name, in the Gaelic language, is descriptive of its situation on the … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Forres — Koordinaten 57° 37′ N, 3° 37′ W … Deutsch Wikipedia
Forres — Forres, Stadt in der schottischen Grafschaft Murray (Elgin), an der Findhornbucht; Wollspinnerei; 4000 Ew. Dabei ein mit seltsamen, noch unerklärten Figuren bedeckter Obelisk (Swenos Stone genannt), angeblich Denkmal eines Sieges des Königs… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Forres — (»Heldenstadt«), Stadt (royal burgh) in Elginshire (Schottland), 4 km oberhalb der Mündung des Findhorn, hat einen Hafen, ein kleines Museum, Markthalle, Wollgarnspinnerei und (1901) 4313 Einw. Dabei der sogen. Swenostein, ein 6 m hoher Obelisk… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Forres — Forres, Hafenstadt in der schott. Grafsch. Elgin, (1901) 4313 E … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Forres — Forres, schott. Stadt an der Findhornbai mit 3500 E., Wollenspinnerei … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Forres — 57° 36′ 00″ N 3° 37′ 00″ W / 57.6, 3.61673 Forres (moyen irlandais … Wikipédia en Français
Forres — Original name in latin Forres Name in other language FSS, Farrais, Forres State code GB Continent/City Europe/London longitude 57.61125 latitude 3.61078 altitude 23 Population 9134 Date 2011 03 03 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Forres Park Nature Retreat — (Mavis Bank,Ямайка) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Main Road … Каталог отелей
Forres golf course — is a more than century old golf course located in Forres in the northern part of Scotland on the Moray coast.In 1889 James Braid designed and created the original nine holes, and in 1912 the course was expanded to eighteen holes by Willie Park.… … Wikipedia