force, line of

force, line of

      in physics, path followed by an electric charge free to move in an electric field or a mass free to move in a gravitational field, or generally any appropriate test particle in a given force field. More abstractly, lines of force are lines in any such force field the tangent of which at any point gives the field direction at that point and the density of which gives the magnitude of the field. The concept of lines of force was introduced into physics in the 1830s by the English scientist Michael Faraday (Faraday, Michael), who considered magnetic and electric effects in the region around a magnet or electric charge as a property of the region rather than an effect taking place at a distance from a cause.

      The electric lines of force that represent the field of a positive electric charge in space consist of a family of straight lines radiating uniformly in all directions from the charge where they originate. A second positive charge placed in the field would travel radially away from the first charge.

      In the case of a magnetic field, since no isolated unit pole has ever been discovered, the field lines are called lines of force only in the sense that a small magnet is forced to align itself in the direction of these field lines. An electric charge traveling along a magnetic field line undergoes no magnetic force.

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