Flagstad, Kirsten

Flagstad, Kirsten

Norwegian singer
born July 12, 1895, Hamar, Nor.
died Dec. 7, 1962, Oslo
 greatest Wagnerian soprano of the mid-20th century.

      Flagstad came from a family of professional musicians and studied singing in Oslo, where, after her operatic debut there in 1913, she worked principally as a light soprano, singing oratorio, opera, and operetta. In 1928 she joined the Storm Theatre in Göteborg, Swed., and added further operatic roles to her repertory.

      In 1932, after a period of retirement following her second marriage, she was ready to take on the vocally challenging role of Isolde in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde. In 1933 and 1934 she sang small roles at Bayreuth, and in 1935 she made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City as Sieglinde in Die Walküre. A year later she appeared at Covent Garden, London, as Isolde. In this role and as Brünnhilde in Wagner's Ring cycle her greatness was at once realized. The outbreak of World War II found her in the United States; she returned to Norway in 1941 to join her husband, who was later imprisoned for his associations with the Norwegian traitor Vidkun Quisling. She was exonerated of any offense by a Norwegian court and after her husband's death returned to the United States and England. From 1948 to 1951 she sang at Covent Garden. In 1953 she retired from public singing, but continued to broadcast and make phonograph records. She was the first director of the Royal Norwegian Opera (195860).

      Besides the great Wagnerian roles, she made memorable appearances in Gluck's Alceste, in Beethoven's Fidelio, and in Purcell's Dido and Aeneas.

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