

also called  Wafipa  

      a Bantu-speaking people linguistically related to Lungu, Pimbwe, and Mambwe who inhabit the Ufipa plateau between lakes Tanganyika and Rukwa in southwestern Tanzania. From prehistoric times the plateau has been a corridor between northeastern and south central Africa. The Fipa are an amalgam of commoners whose ancestors came from south or southwest of Lake Tanganyika (e.g., the Tabwa and related peoples) and of a ruling patrilineal group (the Twa), who were either of Tutsi ancestry or were Fipa who adopted Tutsi political forms and methods.

      Iron bars and implements, woven cotton, tobacco, and smoked fish were early trade items, while the use of a system of productive compost mounds allowed Ufipa plateau agriculture to flourish. Precolonial Fipa established a segmentary state between 300 and 500 years ago, with a paramount chief at Milansi whose authority decreased in proportion to the distance from this centre. Around 1700 two states at Nkansi and Lyangalile replaced Milansi as the foci of political organization; led by the Twa lineage, new methods of production and exchange allowed these two states to grow in complexity. Although shaken by the Ngoni occupation in the mid-19th century, the people of Nkansi in particular found new unification under King Kapuufi from 1860 until the advent of European occupation in the 1880s.

      Fipa chiefdoms, like all others in Tanzania, were abolished by the socialist government in the early 1970s, and planned villages (ujamaa vijijini) were introduced. Fipa raise millet, wheat, coffee, and fruit and engage in lake fishing. Cattle are kept especially by Fipa of the old Twa ruling lineage.

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Universalium. 2010.

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