Feyder, Jacques

Feyder, Jacques

French director
pseudonym of  Jacques Frédérix  
born July 21, 1888, Brussels, Belg.
died May 25, 1948, Geneva, Switz.
 popular French motion-picture director of the 1920s and '30s whose films are imbued with a sympathy for the common man and an attempt at psychological interpretation of character. His sharp criticism of French social and political trends was subordinated to his delineation of passionate and often poignant characters.

      Feyder came to Paris as an actor in 1912 and directed his first film the next year. The realistic L'Atlantide (1921), based on the novel by Pierre Benoît, was his first box-office success, but it was Crainquebille (1922), from Anatole France's novel of daily Parisian life, that established his reputation as a director. He became a naturalized French citizen in 1928.

      After filming Thérèse Raquin (1928), based on Émile Zola's novel, in Germany, Feyder returned to France to do Les Nouveaux Messieurs (1928; “The New Gentlemen”), a picture banned by the French government for its lightly satiric treatment of the French Parliament. Feyder spent the next five years in Hollywood, where his pictures included The Kiss (1929), an important silent film starring Greta Garbo; Daybreak (1931); and Son of India (1931).

      Except for Knight Without Armour (1937), directed in England, Feyder's remaining pictures were made in France and starred his wife, the actress Françoise Rosay. Outstanding among them were Le Grand Jeu (1934; “The Great Game”), Pension Mimosas (1934), and La Kermesse héroïque (1935; Carnival in Flanders). Their complexity of characterizations and naturalistic fatalism foreshadowed the French film revival of the late 1930s led by Marcel Carné (Carné, Marcel), who at one time had been Feyder's assistant.

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  • Feyder, Jacques — (1885 1948)    Actor and director. Born Jacques Frédérix in Bruxelles, Jacques Feyder decided to become an actor. While this seems unremarkable, it required him to go against the wishes of his family. The Frédérix family was quite prestigious,… …   Guide to cinema

  • Feyder, Jacques — (1885 1948)    Actor and director. Born Jacques Frédérix in Bruxelles, Jacques Feyder decided to become an actor. While this seems unremarkable, it required him to go against the wishes of his family. The Frédérix family was quite prestigious,… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Feyder, Jacques — • ФЕЙДЕ Р (Feyder) Жак    ФЕЙДЕР (Feyder) Жак (наст. фам. Фредерикс, Frederix) (21.7.1888 25.5.1948), франц. режиссёр. С 1908 актёр парижских т ров. В кино с 1912 (снимался в фильмах Ж. Мельеса, Л. Фёйада и др., был ассист. режиссёра). В 1915… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

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  • Feyder, Jacques — ► (1888 1948) Director cinematográfico belga. Creador del realismo poético. Películas: La kermesse heroica y Thérèse Raquin, entre otras …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Jacques Frédérix — Jacques Feyder Jacques Feyder Nom de naissance Jacques Frédérix Naissance 21 juillet 1885 Ixelles  Belgique Nationalité(s) origine  …   Wikipédia en Français

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