

Latin  Ferentinum,  

      town, Lazio (Latium) regione, central Italy. The town is situated on a hill that commands the Sacco valley and the Via Casilina (the ancient Roman road Via Latina), 46 miles (65 km) southeast of Rome. The ancient Ferentinum was the chief city of the Hernici people and passed to Rome in 361 BC. A favoured papal residence in the Middle Ages, it was in 1223 the scene of a meeting between Pope Honorius III and the emperor Frederick II.

      Ferentino has considerable remains of its Roman and pre-Roman fortifications. The town is ringed by ancient walls; the bottom courses of these ramparts were built by the Hernici using cyclopean blocks of stone, upon which the Romans and then the medieval Italians built a complex superstructure of ramparts pierced by four town gates. Two of these gates, the Porta Sanguinaria and the Porta Santa Maria, are well preserved. The highest ground within the town was formerly occupied by a castle whose walls now form the foundations of the episcopal palace. Adjoining this is the ancient cathedral (rebuilt 10991118) which contains a 12th-century mosaic pavement made by Magister Paulus. The principal medieval monument in the lower section of the town is the fine Cistercian-type church of Santa Maria Maggiore (13th14th century).

      An agricultural centre producing wine and olive oil, Ferentino has since World War II expanded rapidly outside the walls. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 20,568.

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