

Provençal literary society
      association organized in the 19th century for the maintenance of the Provençal (Provence) customs and language that stimulated the renaissance of the literature, language, and customs of the whole of southern France. The Félibrige was founded in 1854 by seven poetsJoseph Roumanille (Roumanille, Joseph), Frédéric Mistral (Mistral, Frédéric), Théodore Aubanel, Anselme Mathieu, Jean Brunet, Alphonse Tavan, and Paul Giérawho took their name from a Provençal tale in which Jesus is discovered in the temple disputing withSeven Doctors of the Law” (“li sét felibre de la léi”). The group met near Avignon under the guidance of Roumanille, who, since the mid-1840s, had produced secular verse and delightfully humorous prose works in his native Provençal dialect. In 1852 he had collected and published Li Prouvençalo, an anthology of writing in Provençal; he also made the first attempt at regulating the orthography of Provençal in the introduction to his play, La Part dou bon Dieu (1853). Mistral was inspired by Roumanille to devote his energy to restoring the glory of the Provençal region, and he became the most powerful personality of the renaissance. He worked with Roumanille on standardizing the Provençal grammar and in 1855 co-founded with Roumanille the Armana Prouvençau (“Provençal Almanac”), an annual periodical that for eighty years published the best contemporary Provençal writing. Later, Mistral compiled a huge Provençal dictionary, Lou Tresor dóu Félibrige (1878); in 1905 he established a museum of Provençal culture in Arles, France, which is still in existence. Of the other members of the original Félibrige, only Théodore Aubanel proved himself worthy to rank with Mistral and Roumanille.

      The Félibrige grew considerably in the period after Mistral, attracting followers not only from Provençal but also from other southern provinces, such as Gascony, Languedoc, Limousin, and Aquitaine, as well as Catalonia, Spain. The vigorous regional movement that resulted exerted a strong influence well into the 20th century.

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