Feke, Robert

Feke, Robert

American painter
born c. 1705, Long Island, New York [U.S.]
died c. 1750, West Indies

      British-American painter whose portraits depict the emerging colonial aristocracy.

      The facts of Feke's life are uncertain: stories differ over his employment as a mariner, his supposed travels, and his artistic training. The record of his work, howevercreated in Boston, Philadelphia, and his home at Newport, Rhode Islandis reasonably clear. About 15 portraits are signed and dated, and his manner is distinctive enough to support the attribution of about 50 more works to him. Samuel Waldo (c. 1742) is among his best portraits. Feke only sporadically managed to penetrate a sitter's character, and his figures often appear stiff and awkward. He is considered a major 18th-century colonial American talent, however, because of his use of luminous colour, his naturalistic rendering of textures, and the vitality of his compositions.

Additional Reading
Henry Wilder Foote, Robert Feke: Colonial Portrait Painter (1930, reissued 1969); Lloyd Goodrich, Robert Feke (1946).

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