Famennian Stage

Famennian Stage

      uppermost of the two standard worldwide divisions of Late Devonian (Devonian Period) rocks and time. Famennian time spans the interval between 374.5 million and 359.2 million years ago. The name of the Famennian Stage is derived from the region of Famenne in southern Belgium, which has served historically as the type district.

      Under the authority of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) defining the base of this unit was established at Coumiac, 1.5 km (about 1 mile) west-southwest of the village of Cessenon in the Noire Mountains region of southern France. The boundary sequence is preserved in a quarry exhibiting lower Frasnian to upper Famennian pelagic limestones. The boundary point corresponds to the extinction of all conodont species belonging to the genera Ancyrodella and Ozarkodina and to all but a few species in the genera Icriodus, Ancyrognathus, Palmatolepis, and Polygnathus during the Upper Kellwasser Event. The boundary point between the underlying Frasnian Stage and the Famennian also corresponds to the first appearance of the conodont Palmatolepis triangularis. Three-quarters of all known upper Frasnian trilobite genera are represented at the GSSP, many of which subsequently became extinct.

      The Upper Kellwasser extinction event separating the Frasnian and Famennian stages is widely associated with the deposition of black shales and limestones known as the Upper Kellwasser Kalk, thought to have been produced as the result of a dramatic decrease in dissolved oxygen levels within the oceans at the time. Upper Frasnian brachiopods (lamp shells) and goniatites are also well represented at Coumiac, indicating that they survived the Upper Kellwasser Event. The top of the Famennian Stage is defined by the base of the overlying Tournaisian Stage of the Carboniferous System (Carboniferous Period).

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