Eyskens, Gaston

Eyskens, Gaston

prime minister of Belgium
born April 1, 1905, Lier, Belg.
died Jan. 3, 1988, Leuven [Louvain]

      economist and statesman who as Belgian premier (194950, 195861, and 196872) settled crises concerning aid to parochial schools and the accelerating independence movement in the Belgian Congo (now Congo [Kinshasa]).

      A professor of economics at the Catholic University of Leuven (Louvain) from 1934, Eyskens entered the Belgian Parliament in 1939 as a member of the Catholic (now Social Christian) Party. He served as minister of finance (1945, 194749) and as premier of a Social ChristianLiberal coalition government (194950). He resigned during the controversy over the exiled King Leopold III's proposed return, when anti-Leopold Liberals withdrew from the Cabinet.

      Chosen in 1958 to head another coalition government, Eyskens settled a long-standing dispute by enacting the Schools Pact, which granted equal financial aid to public and parochial schools. In 1960, realizing that Belgium could no longer handle the political and economic problems of the Belgian Congo, he persuaded Parliament to grant independence to that colony. Belgium's internal economic problems, as well as the bloody civil war that followed the Congo's independence, toppled his government in the March 1961 election. After again serving as minister of finance (196566), he began a third term as premier in June 1968. Unable to put into effect a paragraph in the new Belgian constitution that provided for regionalization of the country, he resigned in November 1972. From 1973 to 1980 he was chairman of the board of the Kredietbank NV in Brussels.

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