exact equation

exact equation

      type of differential equation that can be solved directly without the use of any of the special techniques in the subject. A first-order differential equation (of one variable) is called exact, or an exact differential, if it is the result of a simple differentiation (analysis). The equation P(xy)y′ + Q(xy) = 0, or in the equivalent alternate notation P(xy)dy + Q(xy)dx = 0, is exact if Px(xy) = Qy(xy). (The subscripts in this equation indicate which variable the partial derivative is taken with respect to.) In this case, there will be a function R(xy), the partial x- derivative of which is Q and the partial y-derivative of which is P, such that the equation R(xy) = c (where c is constant) will implicitly define a function y that will satisfy the original differential equation.

      For example, in the equation (x2 + 2y)y′ + 2xy + 1 = 0, the x-derivative of x2 + 2y is 2x and the y-derivative of 2xy + 1 is also 2x, and the function R = x2y + x + y2 satisfies the conditions Rx = Q and Ry = P. The function defined implicitly by x2y + x + y2 = c will solve the original equation. Sometimes if an equation is not exact, it can be made exact by multiplying each term by a suitable function called an integrating factor. For example, if the equation 3y + 2xy′ = 0 is multiplied by 1/xy, it becomes 3/x + 2y′/y = 0, which is the direct result of differentiating the equation in which the natural logarithmic function (logarithm) (ln) appears: 3 ln x + 2 ln y = c, or equivalently x3y2 = c, which implicitly defines a function that will satisfy the original equation.

      Higher-order equations are also called exact if they are the result of differentiating a lower-order equation. For example, the second-order equation p(x)y″ + q(x)y′ + r(x)y = 0 is exact if there is a first-order expression p(x)y′ + s(x)y such that its derivative is the given equation. The given equation will be exact if, and only if, p″ − q′ + r = 0, in which case s in the reduced equation will equal q − p′. If the equation is not exact, there may be a function z(x), also called an integrating factor, such that when the equation is multiplied by the function z it becomes exact.

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Universalium. 2010.

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