

bishop of Sebaste

born c. 300
died 377 or 380

      bishop of Sebaste (now Sabasṭiyah, West Bank) and metropolitan of Roman Armenia noted for several extreme or heterodox theological positions.

      The son of a bishop (perhaps also of Sebaste) named Eulalius, he studied under the heretic Arius at Alexandria; his early exposure to Arianism (q.v.) doubtless influenced his rejection, late in life, of the orthodox theory of the Holy Spirit. Much earlier, he was controversial for his advocacy of exaggerated asceticism, according to which marriage and the discharge of family responsibilities were censurable. Despite his condemnation by the Council of Gangra (343) and the divisive effect of his teachings, he was made bishop of Sebaste by 357. Later he visited Rome, signed the Nicene Creed (the orthodox statement of faith), and was received amicably by Pope Liberius (reigned 352366). After 371 Eustathius upheld semi-Arianism (q.v.). For this reason he quarrelled with his former monastic protégé St. Basil.

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Universalium. 2010.

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