

      region in Verviers arrondissement, Liège province, Wallonia région, Belgium. Eupen-et-Malmédy lies along the border with Germany and consists of the so-called cantons rédimés (“redeemed cantons”) of Eupen, Malmédy, and Sankt Vith. Until 1794 the region was part of the duchy of Limbourg, the ecclesiastical principality of Stavelot-Malmédy, and the duchy of Luxembourg. Under French rule from 1794 to 1814, it belonged to the Ourthe département (the present Liège province). Most of the region was annexed by Prussia as a result of the Treaty and Congress of Vienna (Vienna, Congress of) (1815). It included Moresnet, which was much contested because of its zinc mines and which was dividedone part being given to Prussia, one to The Netherlands, and the third part becoming a condominium called Neutral Moresnet. After World War I, the Versailles treaty (Versailles, Treaty of) assigned Eupen, the district of Malmédy and Sankt Vith, Prussian Moresnet, and Neutral Moresnet to Belgium. This was ratified by plebiscite (1920), and Germany recognized the new frontier in the Pact of Locarno (1925).

      The territories were occupied by Nazi Germany from 1940 until the liberation of Belgium (1944), although some of the heaviest fighting of World War II went on there through January 1945, when the region was a principal locus of the Battle of the Bulge.

      Postwar frontier adjustments and land transfers between Belgium and West Germany in 1949 and 1958 (confirmed by an agreement signed in 1956) brought the area of the territories to about 410 square miles (1,060 square km). Most of the inhabitants speak German. Since 1963 Eupen-et-Malmédy has existed as a German-language region composed of two geographic entities. One, around Eupen, comprises the communes of Eupen, Kelmis, Lontzen, and Raeren; the other, around Sankt Vith, consists of Amel, Büllingen, Burg-Reuland, Bütgenbach, and Sankt Vith. The Malmédy region is French-speaking but with facilities for the use of German; it consists of the communes of Malmédy and Waimes. Eupen is the seat of Belgium's German-speaking Community, which is a locally elected council responsible for culture, education, the media, medicine, and the use of languages.

      The region is mostly forest and moorland, with areas cultivated for fodder. Eupen produces cloth, electric cables, metal wires, chocolates, and soap. Malmédy has a prosperous paper industry and brewery. Sankt Vith is a noted cattle market, and furniture is made there.

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Universalium. 2010.

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