Espartero, Baldomero, príncipe de Vergara

Espartero, Baldomero, príncipe de Vergara

regent of Spain
also called  (from 1839) duque de la Victoria  or (from 1837)  conde de Luchana , byname  The Peacemaker of Spain , Spanish  El Pacificador de España 
born October 27, 1793, Granátula, Spain
died January 8, 1879, Logroño

      Spanish general and statesman, victor in the First Carlist War, and regent.

      The son of working-class parents, Espartero entered the army at age 15 and fought with Spanish forces in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars and in the rebellious Americas. On the death of Ferdinand VII he showed himself a strong supporter of the queen regent María Cristina and enthusiastically joined the forces opposed to Don Carlos (Carlos María Isidro de Borbón). He was made commander in chief and, for his victory over the Carlists at the Battle of Luchana (December 1836), was named conde de Luchana. Later he opened up the negotiations that led to the Convention of Vergara (1839) and ended the civil war. This success earned Espartero the popular sobriquetthe Peacemaker of Spainand the title duque de la Victoria. He had begun to dabble in politics in 1836; on his return to Madrid (1840) he became head of the government and selected a cabinet of ministers who agreed with his progressive ideas. María Cristina preferred to resign the regency (October 1840) rather than accept his program of reforms. Espartero was then himself appointed regent by the Cortes (May 1841), or Spanish parliament.

      Espartero's regency revealed his faulty understanding of politics. The Progressive Party was not united, and when Agustín Argüelles was appointed tutor to young Isabella II by the Cortes, María Cristina's protests from Paris gained the support of the moderates. Generals Concha and Diego de Léon attempted to seize Isabella in September 1841, and the severity with which Espartero crushed their rebellion made his government unpopular. He put down a revolt in Barcelona in 1842 by bombarding the city. A republican revolt in 1842 was put down with equal harshness. In 1843 Generals Ramón Narváez and Francisco Serrano rose against Espartero and obliged him to flee to England, where he lived until 1849, when he returned to Spain and lived in retirement at Logroño.

      Espartero made his reappearance in politics in 1854 to share control of the government with General Leopoldo O'Donnell (O'Donnell, Leopoldo, Duque De Tetuán) during the so-called bienio progresista (the progressive biennium). He resigned in 1856 but remained a leader of the Progressive Party until he retired in 1864. He was nominated for the vacant throne following the revolution of 1868, and later he was offered the presidency of the First Republic. Subsequently, he was awarded the title príncipe de Vergara, together with the style of royal highness, by King Amadeus.

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