

Indonesian ruler
also spelled  Airlangga  
born 991, Bali
died 1049?, Java

      early Indonesian ruler who succeeded in reuniting the empire of eastern Java.

      Erlangga was married to the daughter of Dharmavamsa, the earliest Javanese historical figure for whom clear information is available and who created an empire centred on his capital in eastern Java between about 985 and 1006, until its destruction by the Sumatran kingdom of Śrivijaya. Erlangga escaped to the jungle, however, and immediately began work to reunite Dharmavamsa's possessions. By 1019 he had become the ruler of the Pasuran area, with his capital at a hermitage at Wonogiri. Military actions between 1028 and about 1035 gave him effective control of eastern Java. During his reign, which lasted until 1049, a court poet named Mpu Kanwa composed the Javanese epic Arjunavivāha, a modification of the Indian Mahābhārata that was an allegory of Erlangga's own life.

      According to the Javanese chronicles, Erlangga in about 1045 prepared for the succession by dividing his kingdom between his sons. Although this action substantially weakened central control, one portion, Kaḍiri, remained a major sea power and controlled a substantial territory through the 12th century and into the early years of the 13th.

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