Ephesus, councils of

Ephesus, councils of

      three assemblies held in Asia Minor to resolve problems of the early Christian Church.

      In 190 Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, convened a synod to establish the 14th of Nisan (the date of the Jewish Passover) as the official date of Easter. Pope Victor I (Victor I, Saint), preferring a Sunday as more convenient and desiring uniformity, repudiated the decision and separated the rebels from Rome.

      In 431 Pope Celestine I (Celestine I, Saint) commissioned Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria, to conduct proceedings against Nestorius, his longtime adversary, whose doctrine of two Persons in Christ the Pope had previously condemned. When the Eastern bishops (more sympathetic to Nestorius) arrived and learned that the council summoned by Emperor Theodosius II had been started without them, they set up a rival synod under John of Antioch and excommunicated Memnon, bishop of Ephesus, along with Cyril. When Pope Celestine pronounced his excommunication of Nestorius and ratified his deposition as bishop of Constantinople, the Emperor abandoned his neutral position and sided with Cyril. Perhaps as a rebuke to the rebels, the council also made the Church of Cyprus independent of the see of Antioch. This council is known as the third ecumenical council of the church.

      In 449 Emperor Theodosius II convened a council in Ephesus to uphold the monophysite Eutyches in his battle against Flavian (Flavian, Saint), who, as patriarch of Constantinople, championed the doctrine of two natures in Christ. Dioscorus (Cyril's successor at Alexandria) supported Eutyches and concurred in the anathematization of Flavian and other bishops over the protests of the papal legate. Dioscorus even attempted to excommunicate Pope Leo I, who referred to the gathering as theRobber Synod.” The Monophysite doctrine of the one nature of Christ was condemned in 451 during the Council of Chalcedon.

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