Eleatic One

Eleatic One

      in Eleatic philosophy, the assertion of Parmenides of Elea that Being is one (Greek: hen) and unique and that it is continuous, indivisible, and all that there is or ever will be.

      His deduction of the predicate one from his assertion that only Being exists is not adequately explicit; thus, later thinkers felt it necessary to fill in his argument. Aristotle, for example, wrote: “Claiming that besides Being that which is not is absolutely nothing, he thinks that Being is of necessity one, and there is nothing else.” Aristotle suggested that, to Parmenides, Being must be all that there is (because other than Being there is only Not-Being), and there can therefore exist no second other thing. Moreover, one can ask what could divide Being from Being other than Not-Being? But because for Parmenides (as opposed later to the Atomists) Not-Being cannot be, it cannot divide Being from Being. It follows, then, that Being is whole, continuous, and “not divisible, since it is all alike.”

      The consequent oneness of Being was thus recognized throughout antiquity as a fundamental tenet of the Eleatic school. Plato, in his dialogue the Parmenides, wrote that a number of the arguments of Zeno of Elea concerned this very issue, which he approached deviously by demonstrating the absurd consequences of the opposite assertion that the many are. Plato himself insisted that such abstractions (or forms) as justice itself and piety itself are each a one as opposed to the many “happenings” to which the Greeks had tried to restrict them. Thus, justice itself could not happen; only events that instigate justice happen. Justice simply is and as such remains eternally changeless. It is thus a one and not a many, a being and not a happening.

      Plato's treatment became a principal source of the Neoplatonist interpretation, advanced in the 3rd century AD, of a divine one out of which all reality progressively emanates, a view that arose, as Plato's seems not to have done, from a deeply mystical source.

      In time, within Plato's Academy, his school in Athens, the meanings of all of the early terms used to talk about the “forms” came under scrutiny, and among them “one” and “being” remained prominent—terms that, in consequence, long retained a place in the intellectual life of Athens.

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Universalium. 2010.

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