Ekhof, Konrad

Ekhof, Konrad

German actor
in full  Hans Konrad Dieterich Ekhof , Ekhof also spelled  Eckhof 
born Aug. 12, 1720, Hamburg, Den. [now in Germany]
died June 16, 1778, Gotha, Saxe-Gotha [Germany]

      actor and director who, with Caroline Neuber (Neuber, Caroline) and Friedrich Schröder (Schröder, Friedrich Ludwig), was a major influence in the development of a German theatrical tradition.

      In 1739 Ekhof became a member of the company managed by Johann Friedrich Schönemann (Schönemann, Johann Friedrich), an association that extended over 17 years. Ekhof played leading roles in German translations of French plays. During the company's stay at Schwerin (175156), domestic drama was added to the repertory, giving Ekhof the opportunity to perform in plays of George Lillo (Lillo, George) and Gotthold Lessing (Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim). By 1752 Ekhof was the leading actor in Schönemann's company and one of the most popular actors in Germany. Unlike many of his contemporaries whose success can be attributed more to physical presence than acting skills, Ekhof was small in stature and somewhat homely; his prominence was largely the result of hard work and mastery of his craft.

      In Schwerin, Ekhof initiated a dramatic academy (1753) with fortnightly meetings in which he discussed with his colleagues the problem of the actor's craft and civic responsibility. His prestige lent dignity to the short-lived but important Hamburg National Theatre. He spent the last three years of his life in Gotha in charge of the new court theatre. Ekhof was among the earliest theorists on German drama and was responsible for a freer, more natural style of acting.

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