Eadric Streona

Eadric Streona

Mercian noble
(“The Acquisitor”)  Eadric also spelled  Edric  
died 1017

      ealdorman of the Mercians, who, though a man of ignoble birth, was advanced to the revived office of ealdorman by the English king Ethelred II, whose daughter Eadgyth Eadric married.

      Little is known of Eadric's origins. His appointment to the office of ealdorman in 1007 was probably an attempt by Ethelred to unite south-central England under one command. He is generally considered an archtraitor in the struggle between the English and the Danes for sovereignty over England. Although there are several records of his minor betrayals and instances of bad counsel, Eadric committed his most conspicuous act of treachery in 1015, when he sided with Canute (Canute (I)) against Edmund Ironside as Ethelred, Edmund's father, lay dying. When at length peace was made, Canute restored to Eadric the earldom of Mercia; but at Christmas 1017, fearing further treachery, Canute had him slain.

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