Dyula — [ dju ], Dioula [di ula], islamisches Händlervolk in Westafrika, etwa 0,5 Mio. Menschen, die weit verstreut im Norden der Republik Elfenbeinküste und Ghanas, in Burkina Faso und Mali leben, zum Teil mit Bambara und Malinke zusammen. In der… … Universal-Lexikon
Dyula — may refer to: Dyula people Dioula language This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended articl … Wikipedia
Dyula — Dyulas Ne doit pas être confondu avec Diolas. Article connexe : dioula. « Le marché de Té : pays dioula » (18 … Wikipédia en Français
Dyula — Dioula Gesprochen in Elfenbeinküste, Burkina Faso Linguistische Klassifikation Niger Kongo Sprachen Mande Sprachen West Mande Sprachen Zentral Mande Sprachen Mandingo Dioula … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dyula — Dioula ou Dyula population du Mali (env. 260 000 personnes) et de la Côte d Ivoire. Ils parlent une langue nigéro congolaise du groupe mandé. (V. dioula.) Dyula V. Dioula … Encyclopédie Universelle
dyula — dēˈülə, ˈdyü noun (plural dyula or dyulas) Usage: usually capitalized 1. a. : a Negro people who live widely scattered among other peoples in the Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, and neighboring parts of West Africa, many of whom are active traders … Useful english dictionary
Dyula — /diˈulə/ (say dee oohluh) noun 1. a western African people living mainly in Côte d Ivoire. 2. (plural Dyula or Dyulas) a member of this people. 3. the language of this people, belonging to the Mande branch of the Niger Congo family. –adjective 4 …
Dyula people — The Dyula or Dioula are a Mande ethnic group, widespread in West Africa, whose traditions of long distance trade and traditional abhorrence of war caused them to play a notable part in the peaceful expansion of Islam across much of the area.… … Wikipedia
Dyula language — Not to be confused with Diola language. Dioula Julakan Spoken in Burkina Faso … Wikipedia
Dyula — noun A Niger Congo language spoken in Upper Volta and Ivory Coast … Wiktionary