Duun, Olav

Duun, Olav

Norwegian writer
born November 21, 1876, Fosnes, Jøa Island, Norway
died September 13, 1939, Tønsberg

      novelist who is one of the outstanding writers of 20th-century Norwegian fiction.

      Duun, a former cattle herder and fisherman, entered a teacher's college at age 26. He worked as a teacher in Holmestrand on the Oslo Fjord until 1927, when he retired to devote himself to writing. His many novels analyze the psychological and spiritual characteristics of peasant life. His masterpiece is a series of six novels, collectively entitled Juvikfolke (191823; The People of Juvik), describing the development of a peasant family through several generations (from 1814 to 1920) and symbolically tracing the development of the Norwegian people from a state of unself-conscious primitivism to one of civilized humanism complicated by throwbacks to their earlier violent heritage. The novels in the series, all of which have been translated into English, are Juvikingar (1918; Trough of the Waves), I blinda (1919; The Blind Man), Storbrylloppe (1920; The Big Wedding), I eventyre (1921; “In Fairyland”; Eng. trans. Odin in Fairyland), I ungdommen (1921; “In Youth”; Eng. trans. Odin Grows Up), and I stormen (1923; The Storm).

      Another remarkable series of novels, consisting of three volumes centred on the female character of Ragnhild, extends and alters the battle between good and evil in Juvikfolke. In the former series a wholesome man in his goodness yields the right of way to an evil adversary, but in the latterMedmenneske (1929; “Fellow Man”), Ragnhild (1931), and Siste leveåre (1933; “Last Year of Life”)—Ragnhild kills an evil man for her less-valiant husband and for the sake of goodness. As Duun's last novel, Menneske og maktene (1938; Floodtide of Fate), shows, the struggle between an uplifting human spirit and darker natural forces never ceased to enrich the outcome of his fiction.

      The great novelist Sigrid Undset (Undset, Sigrid) considered Duun Norway's best writer. Duun wrote in Landsmål, an amalgam of peasant dialects that developed into Nynorsk, one of the official languages of Norway. Although this was not the usual literary language, Duun's works have been influential in raising Nynorsk to literary eminence. At the same time, his particular linguistic idiom may have prevented him from reaching an international audience.

Poul Houe

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