Dutrochet, Henri

Dutrochet, Henri

French physiologist
in full  René-joachim-henri Dutrochet  
born Nov. 14, 1776, Néon, France
died Feb. 4, 1847, Paris

      French physiologist who discovered and named the phenomenon of osmosis (the passage of solvent through a semipermeable membrane) and was the first to recognize the importance of green pigment in the use of carbon dioxide by plant cells.

      Dutrochet studied medicine in Paris (M.D., 1806) and then served as a military medical officer in Spain for several years before giving up the practice of medicine to devote his career to scientific research. When Dutrochet noticed the similarity of physical and chemical processes in plants and animals, he directed his studies toward plant and animal physiology. He was the first to investigate thoroughly the mechanisms of respiration, light sensitivity, and geotropism (orientation in response to gravitation) in plants; and his classical experiments on osmosis included recognition of its role in internal plant transport and diffusion through semipermeable membranes. He constructed an osmometer (a device to measure osmotic pressure), developed a technique to detect heat production in muscle tissue and in individual plants, showed that mushrooms are the reproductive bodies of the mycelium (mass of fungal filaments), and was one of the first to recognize the importance of individual cells in the functioning of an organism.

      Dutrochet's most valuable contributions to science were his emphasis on the similarity of basic processes in all living organisms and his belief that all such processes can be explained in terms of physical and chemical forces.

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