Dühring, Eugen

Dühring, Eugen

German philosopher and economist
born Jan. 12, 1833, Berlin, Prussia [Germany]
died Sept. 21, 1921, Nowawes, Ger.
 philosopher, political economist, prolific writer, and a leading German adherent of positivism, the philosophical view that positive knowledge is gained through observation of natural phenomena.

      Dühring practiced law from 1856 to 1859 and lectured on philosophy at the University of Berlin from 1864 to 1877. He was an unflinching critic whose targets included militarism, Marxism, religion, Judaism, and universities. A versatile scholar, he wrote treatises on philosophy, economics, mathematics, physics, and literature.

      Dühring maintained the optimistic view that men possess instincts that naturally make them sympathetic to one another. This attitude has led some critics to call his socialism excessively utopian. The same notion, transferred to his economic theory, led him to reject the social Darwinist concept of a constant struggle for existence among men in favour of afree society,” in which all human relations based on power are abolished.

      Disagreement between Dühring and Marxian socialists was also reflected in Dühring'sethics of sympathy,” by which he asserted that the Marxist dichotomy between capitalist and proletariat was unnecessary. Friedrich Engels in his renowned book Anti-Dühring, first entitled Herrn Eugen Dührings Umwälzung der Wissenschaft (187778; “Eugen Dührings's Revolution in Science”), attacked Dühring's socialist ideas and hisvulgar Materialism.”

      Among Dühring's major works are Capital und Arbeit (1865; “Capital and Labour”); Natürliche Dialektik (1865); Kritische Geschichte der Philosophie (1869; “Critical History of Philosophy”); and Cursus der National- und Socialökonomie (187392; “Course of National and Social Economy”).

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