Dufaure, Armand

Dufaure, Armand

▪ French politician

born Dec. 4, 1798, Saujon, Fr.
died June 28, 1881, Rueil, near Paris
 French political figure whose longevity as a conservative republican—his career bridged the July Monarchy and the early years of the Third Republic—reflected the variable fortunes of republicanism in 19th-century France.

      After a legal career in Bordeaux, Dufaure was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1834. He joined Marshal Soult's government as minister of public works (1839) and was an important influence in the development of the French railway system. In 1840 he joined the opposition to King Louis-Philippe, and he was elected vice president of the Chamber in 1845.

      Dufaure joined the republican cause in the revolutionary year of 1848. He served in the Legislative Assembly and then was minister of the interior in the provisional government of Gen. Louis Cavaignac during the early stages of the Second Republic. The accession of Napoleon III to the imperial throne forced him into political retirement. Returning to the bar, he was elected to the Académie Française in 1864.

      When the Second Empire collapsed, Dufaure joined the aged republican Adolphe Thiers in the formation of a new republic. He served both Thiers and Louis Buffet as minister of justice. He became premier in March 1876, resigned the following February 12, and then returned to power on Dec. 13, 1877. Dufaure was especially influential in the series of events that forced the resignation of Marshal Mac-Mahon (Mac-Mahon, Marie-Edme-Patrice-Maurice, comte de (count of), Duc De (duke of) Magenta) from the presidency (January–February 1879), because of Mac-Mahon's alleged anti-republican intentions. Soon after, he, too, went into a final political retirement.

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