Du Bos, Charles

Du Bos, Charles

▪ French critic
born Oct. 27, 1882, Paris, Fr.
died Aug. 5, 1939, La Celle-Saint-Cloud

      French critic of French and English literature whose writings on William Shakespeare, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Byron helped turn French attention toward English literature.

      Because his mother was English, Du Bos was exposed to English literature at an early age. He studied at the University of Oxford for a year (1900–01) and also in Germany. Among his works are studies of J.W. von Goethe and of the French authors Gustave Flaubert, Prosper Mérimée, and François Mauriac and correspondence with his friend André Gide (Gide, André). The correspondence was published as Le Dialogue avec André Gide (1929; 2nd ed., Lettres de Charles Du Bos et réponses d'André Gide, 1950). He was a biographical and moral critic with clearly defined standards of judgment. His chief interest was in what he called the “soul” of a work and its effects in the “soul” of a reader. As he became older, this concern became increasingly religious, and his Journal intime, 6 vol. (1946–55), written partly in English, is an account of the spiritual evolution that brought him into the Roman Catholic church in 1927.

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