

      town, Eure-et-Loir département, Centre région, north-central France. It lies along the Blaise River, northwest of Chartres. Known to the Romans as Drocae, it was held by the Durocasses, a Gallic tribe. It gave its name to a medieval family of counts. François, Duke de Guise, defeated the Huguenots there in 1562, marking the beginning of the Wars of Religion. The town's monuments include Le Beffroi, or old town hall (151237); the Gothic Church of Saint-Pierre (13th17th century); and the 19th-century Chapel of Saint-Louis (a mausoleum for the princes of the Orléans family).

      Dreux expanded rapidly as an industrial centre from the early 1960s largely as a result of Parisian firms decentralizing. The town's proximity to the capital has ensured its growth as an industrial and commercial centre. Industries include electronics, chemicals, metallurgy, and automobile components. Business services have grown in recent years. Pop. (1999) 31,849; (2005 est.) 32,200.

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  • Dreux — (fr., spr. Dröh), 1) Arrondissement im französischen Departement Eure u. Loire; hat 221/8 QM. u. 71,500 Ew. in 7 Cantonen; 2) Hauptstadt darin, an der Blaise; Civil u. Handelstribunal; Seidenweberei, Handel mit Vieh, Tuch u. Leinwand; neue von… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Dreux — (spr. drö), Arrondissementshauptstadt im franz. Depart. Eure et Loir, an der Blaise, Knotenpunkt an der Westbahn, unfern des Waldes von D. gelegen, hat die Kirche St. Pierre, aus verschiedenen Epoch en, ein Stadthaus aus dem 16. Jahrh., ein… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Dreux — (spr. drö), Stadt im franz. Dep. Eure et Loir, an der Blaise, (1901) 9697 E.; Gerberei, Handel; Familiengruft des Hauses Orléans. Hier 19. Dez. 1562 Niederlage der Hugenotten unter Condé …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Dreux — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Dreux (homonymie). 48° 44′ 14″ N 1° 21′ 59″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dreux — For the saint of this name, see Saint Drogo. Dreux Saint Pierre church …   Wikipedia

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