Dodoens, Rembert

Dodoens, Rembert

Flemish physician and botanist
Latin  Rembertus Dodonaeus,  original name  Rembert Van Joenckema 
born June 29, 1516/17, Mechelen, Spanish Netherlands [now in Belgium]
died March 10, 1585, Leiden, Neth.

      Flemish physician and botanist whose Stirpium historiae pemptades sex sive libri XXX (1583) is considered one of the foremost botanical works of the late 16th century.

      Dodoens received a medical degree from the Catholic University of Leuven (Louvain) in 1535 and composed works on cosmography and physiology before turning to botany with the brief treatise De frugum historia (1552). His Cruydeboek (1554), an extensive herbal, owes a great deal to theGerman fathers of botany,” especially Leonhard Fuchs; instead of arranging plants in alphabetical order, Dodoens grouped plants according to their properties and reciprocal affinities. Translated into French in 1557, it became a standard in England through Henry Lyte's English translation of 1578. Pemptades introduced new families, arranged plants into 26 groups, and added many original and borrowed illustrations. It was the basis of John Gerard's celebrated Herball. Dodoens served as physician to the Holy Roman emperor Maximilian II and his successor, Rudolph II. He joined the faculty of medicine at Leiden University in 1582.

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