Döbereiner, Johann Wolfgang
- Döbereiner, Johann Wolfgang
▪ German chemist
born Dec. 13, 1780, Hof an der Saale [Germany]
died March 24, 1849, Jena
German chemist whose observation of similarities among certain elements anticipated the development of the periodic system of elements.
As a coachman's son, Döbereiner had little opportunity for formal schooling, but he was apprenticed to an apothecary, read widely, and attended learned science lectures. Eventually he was able to attend the University of Jena, where he became an assistant professor (1810) and later was supervisor of science instruction. He was a lifelong friend of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
During the 1820s Döbereiner's experiments with the ignition of hydrogen on contact with powdered platinum led the Swedish chemist J.J. Berzelius to develop the concept of catalysis. Toward the end of the decade Döbereiner found that the properties of bromine, a liquid, seem halfway between those of chlorine gas and the solid iodine. He recalled a comparable graduation of properties in two other sequences—calcium, strontium, barium; and sulfur, selenium, tellurium. He showed that in each triad the mean of the lightest and heaviest atomic weights approximated the atomic weight of the middle element. But he could not substantiate his hypothesis with a sufficient number of triads, and his findings were regarded in his time as merely interesting curiosities. Döbereiner also discovered the organic compound furfural and developed the separation of calcium and magnesium.
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Döbereiner , Johann Wolfgang — (1780–1849) German chemist Born the son of a coachman in Hof an der Saale, Germany, Döbereiner had little formal education and had worked as an assistant to apothecaries in several places from the age of 14. He was largely self taught in… … Scientists
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Döbereiner — Döbereiner, Johann Wolfgang, Chemiker, * Bug (Landkreis Hof) 13. 12. 1780, ✝ Jena 24. 3. 1849; seit 1810Professor für Chemie in Jena, wo er das erste chemische Unterrichtslaboratorium einrichtete. Döbereiner entdeckte die katalytische Wirkung… … Universal-Lexikon
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