- Divine Comedy, The
▪ work by Dantelong narrative poem written c. 1308–21 by Dante. It is usually held to be one of the world's great works of literature. Divided into three major sections—Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso—the narrative traces the journey of Dante from darkness and error to the revelation of the divine light, culminating in the Beatific Vision of God. Dante is guided by the Roman poet Virgil, who represents the epitome of human knowledge, from the dark wood through the descending circles of the pit of Hell (Inferno). Passing Lucifer at the pit's bottom, at the dead-centre of the world, Dante and Virgil emerge on the beach of the island mountain of Purgatory. At the summit of Purgatory, where repentant sinners are purged of their sins, Virgil departs, having led Dante as far as human knowledge is able, to the threshold of Paradise. There Dante is met by Beatrice, embodying the knowledge of divine mysteries bestowed by Grace, who leads him through the successive ascending levels of heaven to the Empyrean, where he is allowed to glimpse, for a moment, the glory of God.An early translation of La divina commedia into English was by Henry Boyd (1802). There are several later translations, the best-known among which are those by Dorothy L. Sayers and B. Reynolds (1949–62), W.F. Ennis (1965), and John Ciardi (1977).
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Universalium. 2010.