

      genus of very primitive lungfish, among the earliest known, found as fossils in European and North American Devonian rocks (the Devonian Period lasted from 416 million to 359 million years ago). Lungfishes, along with coelacanths, tetrapods, and their relatives, are part of a lobe-finned group of jawed vertebrates distinct from ray-finned (ortrue”) fishes (Actinopterygii), sharks, placoderms, and acanthodians. Dipterus retained many archaic features, including two dorsal fins and a tail that resembled a lobe-finned tail. Functional lungs were probably present in Dipterus, and a freshwater habitat is indicated. The skull bones of Dipterus, though still primitive, consist of a mosaic of small bones; Dipterus had already initiated the unusual bone pattern seen in more advanced lungfish. Similarly, Dipterus evidences the beginnings of the lungfish trend toward extreme deossification of skeletal elements.

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