

also called  apteran , or  entotrophian 
 any of a group of about 800 species of small primitive wingless insects, considered by some entomologists to have features similar to ancestral insects. In some classification schemes, the order Diplura is considered to be in the subclass Apterygota of the class Insecta, while in others it is placed in its own subclass (Entognatha) of the superclass Hexapoda. Diplurans are blind, pale insects that live in soil and feed on decaying vegetation and plant tissues, occasionally damaging growing plants.

      The order is divided into three families. Typically the members of the family Campodeidae have two long, slender abdominal cerci (sensory appendages) that are sensitive to vibrations. They are commonly known as twintails. The cerci of the family Japygidae are modified into hard pincers that are used to catch prey. Members of the third family, the Projapygidae, also have cerci.

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