Dibdin, Thomas Frognall

Dibdin, Thomas Frognall

English bibliographer
born 1776, Calcutta [now Kolkata], India
died November 18, 1847, London, England

      English bibliographer who helped to stimulate interest in bibliography by his own enthusiastic though often inaccurate books, by his share in founding the first English private publishing society, and by his beautifully produced catalog of Lord Spencer's library (which collection later became the nucleus of the John Rylands Library, Manchester). His father, the captain of a sailing ship, was the inspiration for his uncle Charles Dibdin (Dibdin, Charles)'s song "Tom Bowling."

      Both of Dibdin's parents died on the passage from India to England in 1780, and at age four he became the ward of his mother's younger brother, Charles Compton. Educated at St. John's College, Oxford, Dibdin began a legal career but took holy orders in 1805. His Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics (1802) attracted the notice of Lord Spencer, through whose patronage Dibdin obtained a clerical appointment in London. His Bibliotheca Spenceriana (181415) became famous for the high quality of its printing. Dibdin traveled widely in search of books and manuscripts, and his Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany (1821) is typical of his work in containing much lively anecdote, many factual errors, and some excellent engravings. His Bibliomania (1809) contributed to the public's interest in old and rare books. Among his many other works is the two-volume autobiography Reminiscences of a Literary Life (1836).

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