Diadochus Of Photice

Diadochus Of Photice

flourished 5th century

      theologian, mystic, and bishop of Photice, Epirus, who was a staunch defender of orthodox Christological doctrine. His treatises on the ascetic life have influenced Eastern Orthodox and Western spirituality.

      Little is known of Diadochus' life. At the Council of Chalcedon (451) and in a letter to the Eastern Roman emperor Leo I in 457, he refuted the heterodox monophysite tenet of a single, divine nature in Christ by maintaining Christ's dual (human and divine) natures. A late-5th-century chronicle, Historia persecutionis Vandalorum (1535; The Memorable and Tragical History of the Persecution in Africke) by Victor, bishop of Vita, commends Diadochus' catholic doctrine and indicates that he was abducted by marauding Vandals and taken to Carthage, where he probably died.

      A student of Evagrius Ponticus, the chief 5th-century proponent of Christian mysticism, Diadochus authoritatively reflected the major movements of Greek and Egyptian asceticism in his principal work, Hekaton Kephalaia Gnōstika (“The Hundred Chapters, or Maxims, of Knowledge”). Major themes in the work include man's creation in the image of God, the restoration of fallen man by grace, free will, mastery of human passions, and mystical contemplation through love. “The Hundred Chapters” also constitutes a polemic against Messalianism, the pietistic movement (condemned at the Council of Ephesus in 431) that claimed that in consequence of primeval sin everyone has a demon within his soul that can be exorcised only by ceaseless prayers. Rejecting extreme penitential practices, he submitted a tempered ascetical program as a means of achieving generosity of spirit.

      “The Hundred Chapters” influenced Greek ascetical tradition; 16th-century Spanish mysticism; and the Philokalia, or 18th-century Russian prayer anthologies. Diadochus' orthodoxy and vindication of mystical experience appeared also in his “Homily on the Ascension.” He responded to the problem of pantheistic interpretation of Christian mysticism in his Horasis (“The Vision”) and Catechesis (“Instruction”). The Greek text of the Catechesis, probably an 11th-century redaction of Diadochus' thought, was discovered and edited in 1952 by Édouard Des Places, who also produced a new critical edition of “The Hundred Chapters” (Oeuvres spirituelles, 1955).

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Universalium. 2010.

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