Dewantoro, Ki Hadjar

Dewantoro, Ki Hadjar

Indonesian educator
original name Raden Mas (Lord) Suwardi Surjaningrat
born May 8, 1889, Jogjakarta, Java, Dutch East Indies [now Indonesia]
died April 26, 1959

      founder of the Taman Siswa (literallyGarden of Students”) school system, an influential and widespread network of schools that encouraged modernization but also promoted indigenous Indonesian culture.

      Dewantoro was born into a noble family of Jogjakarta and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but failed to complete the course. Active in the nationalist cause, he belonged to a faction favouring direct action and the use of Western methods to destroy the power of the Dutch. He was also a member of the Bandung chapter of Sarekat Islām (“Islāmic Association”) and a founder of the Socialist Indische Partij (“Indies Party”). An article he wrote during this period, “If I Were a Netherlander,” published in the Indische Partij's De Express, led to his exile to The Netherlands between 1913 and 1918.

      In The Netherlands he became converted to the idea of using Indonesian cultural traditions to cope with the problems posed by Dutch colonial rule. He felt that education was the best means to strengthen Indonesians, and he was deeply influenced by the progressive theories of the Italian educational reformer Maria Montessori and by the Indian poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore. The first Taman Siswa schools were established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, carried on informally, emphasized traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly music and dance. Western subjects were taught, too, in order to help students cope with the demands of modern life. Overcoming initial official hostility, the Taman Siswa schools had spread throughout the archipelago and were by the late 1930s subsidized by the Dutch colonial government. Based on traditional Javanese concepts, the Taman Siswa schools appealed primarily to those segments of Indonesian society termed abangan, in which the Islāmic faith is less deeply entrenched. Dewantoro continued his leadership of Taman Siswa after the war and upon his death was acclaimed a national hero.

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