

Sanskritfemale servant of a god

      group of women who dedicated themselves to the service of the patron god of the great temples in eastern and southern India.

 This order or caste appears to date from the 9th and 10th centuries. Members of the order attended the godfanned the icon, honoured it with lights, and sang and danced for the god's amusementand thereby offered their auspicious presence to the deity. They played an important part in preserving elements of Hindu (Hinduism) culturefor example, by performing the great Sanskrit poem Gitagovinda for its hero, the god Krishna, in the temple dedicated to him in Puri. The sons and daughters of Devadasis had equal rights of inheritance, an unusual practice among Hindu castes. Until the 20th century they were quite visible; in about 1800 the main temple of Kanchipuram (Conjeeveram) had 100 Devadasis. They came to be held in low social regard because their occupation involved temple prostitution, and by the end of the 20th century they had largely disappeared.

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Universalium. 2010.

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