Desmoulins, Camille

Desmoulins, Camille

▪ French journalist
in full  Lucie-Simplice-Camille-Benoist Desmoulins 
born March 2, 1760, Guise, France
died April 5, 1794, Paris

      one of the most influential journalists and pamphleteers of the French Revolution.

      The son of an official of Guise, Desmoulins was admitted to the bar in 1785, but a stammer impeded his effectiveness as a lawyer. Nevertheless, after the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789, he suddenly emerged as an effective crowd orator, urging a Parisian crowd to take up arms (July 12, 1789). The ensuing popular insurrection in Paris was climaxed with the storming of the Bastille on July 14. Soon thereafter Desmoulins published his pamphlet La France Libre (“Free France”), which summed up the main charges against France's rapidly crumbling ancien régime. In addition, his famous Discours de la lanterne aux Parisiens (“The Streetlamp's Address to the Parisians”), published in September 1789, supported the bourgeois-democratic reforms of the Revolutionary National Assembly and set forth republican ideals.

      Two months later Desmoulins launched his lively newspaper Les Révolutions de France et de Brabant (“The Revolutions in France and in Brabant”), in which he attacked policies that were impeding the democratic movement. After Louis XVI's abortive flight from Paris in June 1791, Desmoulins intensified his campaign for the deposition of the king and the establishment of a republic. The assembly retaliated by ordering his arrest on July 22, 1791, but he went into hiding until he was granted amnesty in September.

      Meanwhile, Desmoulins had formed close working relations with Georges Danton (Danton, Georges) in the Jacobin and Cordelier clubs. After participating in the popular insurrection that overthrew the monarchy on August 10, 1792, he was made secretary-general under Danton in the Ministry of Justice. Elected to the National Convention, which convened in September, Desmoulins joined the other Montagnards (deputies from the Jacobin Club) in a bitter struggle against the moderate Girondin faction. Desmoulin's Histoire des Brissotins (“History of the Brissotins”), issued in mid-May 1793, severely undermined the Girondins' influence by portraying them as agents in the pay of foreign enemies. On June 2 the Montagnards expelled the leading Girondins from the National Convention and took control of the Revolution.

      Nevertheless, by December 1793 Desmoulins and Danton had become leaders of a moderate faction—called the Indulgents or Dantonists—within the Jacobin camp. Their chief enemies were Jacques Hébert's left-wing Jacobins who, in alliance with the Parisian lower classes, had forced the National Convention to inaugurate a state-regulated economy and institute the Reign of Terror against suspected counterrevolutionaries. In the first two issues of his new paper, Le Vieux Cordelier (“The Old Cordelier,” December 5–30, 1793), Desmoulins attacked the Hébertists for instigating the dechristianizing movement that sought to destroy all Roman Catholic institutions. His friend Robespierre (Robespierre, Maximilien de), by now the chief spokesman of the all-powerful Committee of Public Safety, supported this anti-Hébertist campaign, but in the next four issues of his paper Desmoulins lashed out against the Committee's use of economic controls and political terror. Robespierre then retaliated by demanding that copies of Le Vieux Cordelier be burned (January 7, 1794).

      Robespierre had the leading Hébertists guillotined on March 24, and on the night of March 29–30 he acquiesced to the arrest of Desmoulins, Danton, and their friends. Charged with complicity in a “foreign plot,” the Dantonists were guillotined on April 5.

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